The Habsburg Monarchy 1618-1815
Charles Ingrao
Not Available
The European Revolutions, 1848-1851
Jonathan Sperber
Poverty and Deviance in Early Modern Europe
Robert Universität Stuttgart Jütte
Robert Jütte
The State in Early Modern France
James B Collins
The European Nobility, 1400–1800
Jonathan State University of New York and 1 more
Ritual in Early Modern Europe
Edward Muir
The World of Catholic Renewal, 1540-1770
R Pochia Hsia
Christianity under the Ancien Régime, 1648–1789
W R University of Durham Ward
The Modernisation of Russia, 1676–1825
Simon University of Leeds Dixon
The Habsburg Monarchy, 1618-1815
Charles W Ingrao
Artisans in Europe, 1300–1914
James R Purdue University and 1 more
The Rise of the Public in Enlightenment Europe
James Van Horn Melton
James Van Horn Emory University and 1 more
Violence in Early Modern Europe 1500–1800
Julius R Marquette University and 1 more
The Ottoman Empire and Early Modern Europe
Daniel Ball State University and 1 more
Christianity and Revolutionary Europe, 1750–1830
Nigel University of Leicester Aston
France and the Great War
Leonard V Oberlin College and 4 more
The World of Catholic Renewal, 1540–1770
R PoChia Pennsylvania State University Hsia
The European Revolutions, 1848–1851
Jonathan University of Missouri and 1 more
The Ottoman Empire, 1700–1922
Donald State University of New York and 1 more
Edward Northwestern University and 1 more
The French Wars of Religion, 1562–1629
Mack P George Mason University and 1 more
Gender and Poverty in Nineteenth-Century Europe
Rachel G Arizona State University Fuchs
Humanism and the Culture of Renaissance Europe
Charles G University of Missouri and 1 more
European Sexualities, 1400–1800
Katherine Vanderbilt University and 1 more
Cities and the Making of Modern Europe, 1750–1914
Andrew Rutgers University and 2 more
Women and Achievement in Nineteenth-Century Europe
Linda L Millersville University and 1 more
James B Georgetown University and 1 more
Medicine and Society in Early Modern Europe
Mary University of Miami Lindemann
Sexuality in Europe
Dagmar City University of New York Herzog
The Transatlantic Century
Mary New York University Nolan
European Colonialism since 1700
James R University of Utah Lehning
Imperial Germany and the Great War, 1914–1918
Roger Georgetown University and 1 more
The Extermination of the European Jews
Christian Universität Bern and 1 more
Christian Gerlach
The Russian Revolution, 1917
Rex A George Mason University and 1 more
The Origins of the First World War
William Mulligan
William University College Dublin Mulligan
Reformation Europe
Ulinka University of Cambridge Rublack
The Habsburg Monarchy 1815–1918
Steven Beller
Childhood in Modern Europe
Colin University of Nottingham Heywood
Women and Gender in Early Modern Europe
Merry E University of Wisconsin and 1 more
The Enlightenment
Dorinda University of Rochester and 1 more
Dorinda Outram
James Mark and 3 more
The Habsburg Monarchy, 1618–1815
Charles W Purdue University and 1 more
Transitions to Capitalism in Early Modern Europe
Robert S Swarthmore College and 1 more
Sixties Europe
Timothy Scott Northeastern University and 1 more
The Information Revolution in Early Modern Europe
Paul M Kennesaw State University and 1 more
The Consumer Revolution, 1650–1800
Michael The Johns Hopkins University and 1 more
The People's Dictatorship
Alan E Steinweis
French Colonialism
Leonard V Smith
Leonard V Oberlin College and 1 more
Mary Lindemann
Rex A Wade
The Ottoman Empire, 1700-1922
Donald Quataert
The French Wars of Religion, 1562-1629
Mack P Holt
Merry E Wiesner
Paul M Dover
The Consumer Revolution, 1650-1800
Michael Kwass